lip filler appoinment

Whether you’re wanting a little more definition, more of a more symmetrical look to your lips, lip filler can help you achieve the desired look you’re after. We understand that the idea of cosmetic injectables can be nerve wracking to some first timers, that’s why we’re here! We are giving you a step by step of what you can expect when booking in for lip filler. 

Taking the first step

The first step is often the scariest, so let’s get it over with! Booking in your appointment can be easily done online or you can give us a call or pop into our clinic. Here is where the first decision lies, you have options to choose from 1ml of soft or thick filler. 

What’s the difference? Well soft filler can be used for more of a natural looking result, whereas thick filler is more often used when a client is seeking a dramatic difference to their lips. Deciding what is right for you to achieve the look you’re after can be difficult, but that is why our consults are so important.


In your consultation with our injectables specialist Dr. Khan, you will be able to discuss how you want your results to look. This is when you can use words like “natural looking” or “a dramatic plump” to describe exactly what it is you’re after. If you’re seeking treatment for a concern this is the time to bring it up, be honest about what it is you’re wanting to achieve. Whether it be “I want to make my lips look even” or “I want my cupids bow to be more noticeable” Dr. Khan is here to help! 

This is where he will discuss your options of what he thinks is the best way to achieve your desired look. It is important that you’re assured that you hold the power and you can change your mind at any time within the appointment. This is the perfect time to volume any concerns or anxieties you have. Dr. Khan can then inform you of anything he can do to make you more comfortable or you can decide to leave it there and come back in another day for your injectables after you have some time to think it over. 

Getting started

Before going into the treatment room, there might be a few forms to fill out. After that we like to take a picture of your lovely face to provide a “before” treatment photo. This can be used to help highlight the results to show you after your treatment is done. 

This is when things get really exciting. After your consultation and coming to a decision on what amount of filler is right for you, then you can begin your cosmetic injectables treatment. We prioritize our clients’ comfortability, so we utilize a numbing agent when doing lip fillers. This can make the treatment easier to handle by minimizing the pain involved with the procedure. 

The treatment 

Now that the paperwork is over we can get to the main event! You’ll already be in Dr. Khan’s special treatment room, probably popped up on the treatment bed and given a handheld mirror. Here is where Dr. Khan will likely show you where he thinks the best places for filler are, he will talk you through the procedure and what to expect. From here, you’re good to go! 

When you’re ready, Dr. Khan will inject the first round of filler with precision and care. It is often he will ask you how it felt and if you’re okay. If you’re handling it okay he will continue the rest of the treatment. If you need a minute, that’s okay too. Remember: you’re in control! 

Rock your perfect pout!

After your treatment is finished you will be given the handheld mirror again to see your results. Expect some swelling so don’t panic if your lips are a little bigger than you envisioned. We provide you with a little ice pack to take home and apply to the area to help the swelling and healing process. After that we will take a picture to keep on file to compare your before and after results. This can be looked back on for future treatments if next time you’d like to try more or less filler. 

Dr. Khan will discuss any post treatment care needed to ensure the best results for your filler and when to expect to come back in for a top up appointment. 

Book Online Appointment

So… what are you waiting for?

Book in and get the plump pout you’ve always wanted. 

See you soon x 

Mar 15, 2022 | Treatment guides

Dr. Faisal

Dr. Faisal

Skinduced is a skincare brand focused on transforming skin health. Founded by Dr. Faisal, a Cosmetic Physician with extensive experience, we offer innovative solutions for various skin concerns. Our products are crafted with premium ingredients to deliver visible results, promoting healthy and radiant skin. Experience the difference with skinduced.
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