Laser Tattoo Removal

Rethinking your ink? Our safe and effective laser tattoo removal treatment will take the pigment away in just 6-12 sessions.
Laser Tattoo Removal Newcastle

Eliminate unwanted tattoo's in just 6-12 sessions

Whether it’s a memory you don’t want to hold onto, poor workmanship, or you’ve simply outgrown a tattoo you got when you were young, laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective way to get rid of your unwanted ink, revealing natural skin in just 6-12 sessions.

Don’t let unwanted tattoos get in the way of your life and appearance. Enquire today at Skinduced to book in tattoo removal sessions. The laser treatment we use is the most effective laser tattoo removal technique in Newcastle NSW.


How Does Laser Tattoo Removal work?

Unlike earlier tattoo removal treatments such as dermabrasion (scraping off the top layer of skin), cryosurgery (freezing the skin then peeling away layers of the tattoo), or excision (cutting the tattoo out), Laser Tattoo Removal is non-abrasive and leaves no signs of scarring.

The science behind laser tattoo removal is simple. When tattoo removal laser light is directed on the skin, it heats up and shatters the ink it reaches first. Different wavelengths in the Spectra XT Laser are attracted to different coloured ink within the skin’s layers.

In the weeks following treatment, your body’s immune system flushes the tattoo ink particles away from the location, lightening the tattoo’s appearance. Over a series of sessions, the deeper layers of the tattoo are gradually blasted away until only clear skin remains.

The exact number of sessions you’ll need will depend on several factors, including the size of the tattoo and the colours used. Large tattoos can take around 10 weeks.

Treatment time

Approx 25-30 mins
This includes a prior consultation to chat about your treatment goals.

What it costs

Treatment Price Time Appoiontment link
Tattoo Removal Consultation $0.00 15min Get Appointment
Tattoo Removal X-Large $300.00 45min Get Appointment
Eyebrow Tattoo Removal $90.00 15min Get Appointment
Tattoo Removal Extra Small $75.00 15min Get Appointment
Tattoo Removal Full Sleeve $700.00 60min Get Appointment
Tattoo Removal Half Sleeve $350.00 60min Get Appointment
Tattoo Removal Large $270.00 45min Get Appointment
Tattoo Removal Medium $150.00 30min Get Appointment
Tattoo Removal Small $90.00 30min Get Appointment

Laser Tattoo Removal are used to treat:

  • Unwanted tattoos
  • Poor workmanship

Benefits of Laser Tattoo Removal:

  • Ink free skin
  • Safe and effective
  • Quick sessions
  • Tolerable pain
  • No downtime

Laser Tattoo Removal Before and After


tattoo removal 1 min     tattoo removal 2 min     tattoo removal 3 min

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it?

Tattoo removal is recommended for anyone wanting to remove a tattoo and do not want to go through the process of a cover up.

Does it hurt?

Pain is an individualised experience. While some find it painful, others can sit through tattoo removal sessions with just some discomfort. We offer a numbing agent to help reduce the pain and a cooling agent is also utilised.

How many sessions will I need?

This is very dependent on the client and the tattoo. How old the tattoo is, how deep the ink is in the skin and the size of the tattoo all play a role in how many sessions a client will need. On average we suggest between 6-12 sessions.

Why would someone want to have a Newcastle tattoo removal procedure done?

There are several factors that motivate tattoo removal for individuals. Some specific professions don’t recommend or allow the presentation of tattoos on the skin. Other people are unhappy with the ink colours that have faded over time.

The laser clinic located on our premises in Newcastle NSW is a safe and effective way to remove a tattoo’s appearance, ensuring consistency for all parts of the body including surrounding tissue and surrounding skin. Skinduced Newcastle tattoo removal offers a professional service with the goal of fewer treatments. Although it takes several sessions in our laser clinic, the results are amazing. Giving clients the best experience possible.

Book Your Appointment

To book your appointment at our Skinduced Aesthetics Clinic at Newcastle simply call our clinic on: 02 4081 0888 or use our online booking system.

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