Sweat Reduction

Don’t let excessive perspiration prevent you from living life your way. Say goodbye to sweat woes with our effective sweat reduction treatments.
Sweat Reduction Treatment Newcastle

Put a stop to excessive perspiration

While sweating is a natural bodily function designed to regulate temperature, excessive perspiration, also known as hyperhidrosis, can severely impact your confidence. Dealing with soaked shirts or unsightly underarm stains can be embarrassing and affect your self-assurance.

We have solutions to help reduce excessive sweating. Our treatments are safe and effective, so you can enjoy outdoor activities without worrying about awkward sweat stains.

How does sweat reduction treatment work?

Our sweat reduction treatments temporarily stop the signals that make you sweat. During your consultation with our specialist, we’ll discuss the best options for you. The treatment is applied under the skin in your armpit.

Most people notice less sweating about 8-14 days later. The effects usually last about 9 months before you need another treatment. Our team will advise you on what to do afterward, like keeping the area clean, avoiding hard exercise, and not using deodorant until your skin has healed, usually within 4-12 hours.

Treatment time

Approx. 35 mins
This includes a prior consultation to chat about your treatment goals.

What it costs

Treatment Appoiontment link
Radiance Infusion Call for Appoiontment

Sweat Reduction are used to treat:

  • Excessive armpit sweating 

Benefits of Sweat Reduction:

  • Reduce excess sweating
  • No more wet patches
  • Confidence boost
  • No treatment downtime

Before & After Sweat Reduction


sweat reduction 1 min    sweat reduction 2 min    sweat reduction 3 min

Frequently Asked Questions

How can treatments help with excessive sweating?
Our treatments use a muscle relaxant similar to those used in anti-wrinkle treatments. By targeting the nerves that reach the underarms, they effectively stop sweat production from the glands.

How long will sweat reduction treatments last?
Our treatments for excessive sweating typically provide relief for up to nine months. Afterward, it’s recommended to schedule a follow-up appointment for additional treatment.

Book Your Appointment

To book your appointment at our Skinduced Aesthetics Clinic at Newcastle simply call our clinic on: 02 4081 0888 or use our online booking system.

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