Facial Volume & Skin Renew

Don’t let aging dull your shine. Our skilled practitioner can enhance your natural beauty and restore youthful vibrancy with safe and effective skin treatments.
dermal fillers

Fill in or plump up to perfection

Are you observing changes in your facial contours? Perhaps you’re considering refining your natural beauty? At our Newcastle clinic, we specialize in rejuvenating skin using advanced, natural techniques.

Our experienced team is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals while prioritizing safety and natural-looking results.

How does treatment work?

we prioritize a holistic approach to skincare and beauty enhancement, recognizing that optimal results come from a combination of treatments customized to each individual’s needs. While we do not promote specific procedures like fillers or injectables, we do provide comprehensive guidance and support in navigating various options available to achieve your desired aesthetic goals.

During our consultations, our skin specialists will conduct a thorough assessment of your skin condition, concerns, and aspirations. Together, we’ll explore a range of non-invasive and non-surgical techniques that align with your preferences and expectations. This may include treatments such as personalized skincare routines, dietary recommendations, lifestyle adjustments, and possibly procedures like laser therapy or microdermabrasion.

Treatment time

Approx. 60-90 mins

This includes a prior consultation to chat about your treatment goals.

What it costs

Treatment Appoiontment link
Radiance Infusion Call for Appoiontment

Facial Volume & Skin Renew are used to treat:

  • Cheeks
  • Jawline
  • Chin
  • Tear troughs (deep creases under the lower eyelid and upper cheek)
  • Scars
  • Sunken areas

Benefits of Facial Volume & Skin Renew:

  • Plump, youthful appearance
  • Improved facial symmetry 
  • Immediate, visible results
  • Confidence boost
  • Minimal risk
  • No recovery or downtime

Before and After Results


dermal filler 3   dermal fillers 1  dermal fillers 2

Frequently Asked Questions

What does your approach to skincare and beauty enhancement entail?

  • We prioritize a holistic approach, recognizing that optimal results stem from personalized combinations of treatments tailored to individual needs. Our focus is on enhancing natural beauty and promoting overall well-being.

What can I expect during a consultation?

  • During our consultations, our skin specialists conduct a thorough assessment of your skin condition, concerns, and aspirations. Together, we explore a range of options, including personalized skincare routines, dietary recommendations, lifestyle adjustments, and potentially non-invasive procedures like laser therapy or microdermabrasion.


How are treatments customized to individual needs?

  • Treatments are customized based on your unique skin type, concerns, preferences, and expectations. Our goal is to develop a personalized plan that addresses your specific goals and enhances your natural beauty.

Are non-invasive treatments the only options available?

  • While we specialize in non-invasive techniques, we also provide guidance on various skincare approaches, including lifestyle adjustments and potential procedures. Our aim is to offer a comprehensive range of options tailored to your needs.

What types of procedures might be recommended during a consultation?

  • Depending on your goals and skin condition, recommendations may include personalized skincare routines, dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and possibly non-invasive procedures like laser therapy or microdermabrasion.

Book Your Appointment

To book your appointment at our Skinduced Aesthetics Clinic at Newcastle simply call our clinic on: 02 4081 0888 or use our online booking system.

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